
Branding services


Developing a unique brand identity that reflects your organization’s values, culture and expertise will allow you to further connect with your audience and reinforce the relationship with your clients and potential clients. A brand identity is more than just a logo and mission statement. It is a unique campaign that comprises the core values and goals of your company and elicits a powerful response from your audience, both internally and externally. At Snap-D we determine, develop and distribute your brand.

Law firms seek Snap-D Marketing out when they are looking to build additional revenue, profitability, or to attract top laterals or law students. It all begins with your brand and how you position yourself in the marketplace. We help you figure out “who you are,” create your unique message, couple it with powerful graphic images and share it with the world.

Snap-D Deliverables

Snap-D Deliverables

Strategic Planning

Snap-D Marketing works with law firm leaders to identify the firm’s culture, strengths, weaknesses, opoortunities, threats and strategic goals. Each law firm’s strategic planning process is customized to the firm’s unique situation. In addition to creating a plan, Snap-D works with the firm on the most important aspect of the strategic planning, which is implementation and keeping everyone at the firm on the same page throught the process and beyond

Marketing, Business Development and Management Consulting Firm